Acupuncture is practised since more than 2000 years. Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is based on Qi, Yin & Yang.
Qi is vital energy (pronounced Chii) and it travels inside the body through invisible channels. There are 12 principal meridians (channels) in TCM and each meridian is related to an organ.
Yin and Yang are the two forces, sometimes opposite, and other times complimentary to each other.
In the nature, Yin is the shade side of hill and Yang is the sunny side of hill. Evening is Yin and day is Yang, but when the night falls, the day appears so it is also in constant transformation from one to another.
Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine depends on all the balance of Yin and Yang. When there is more Yin, there is less Yang and vice versa. When Yin and Yang become unbalanced, Qi gets blocked in the meridians and causes undesirable symptoms or pain.
Acupuncture treatment aims to rebalance Yin & Yang and promotes a good circulation of Qi or unblocks Qi that got stuck within a meridian (channel).
It is your Qi, your proper healing system who will be working inside your body.
We acupuncturists, stimulate Qi and meridians by acupuncture needle insertions. You don’t have to believe in TCM. It might take a number of treatments, but you will feel the difference depending on your condition of Qi and it is up to you to discover these magnificent effects of acupuncture.